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Jessie's April poem

2nd April 2014 @ 6:06am – by Jessie
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What a lovely month April can be
Now that March has left us well into spring
When love is in the air
Hopefully not just for the birds and the bees!

Flowers bloom
Trees are no longer bare
Clothed now, with opening buds
And blossom
If only we could find the time
To stand and stare –
Mother nature at her best

The sun is beginning to gleam
And there's warmth in "them thar" beams
So all we need to do now – is –
Spring clean!

Do the garden –
Get rid of the weeds -
Plant the veg
Paint the fence, mend the shed
But best of all, it has to be said,
Book a holiday!

Don't worry if you get caught out
And become an April Fool –
It's just a game we played at school – Remember
Those happy days, carefree days,
Silly days, but not to be forgotten days.
Oh, to be young again –
Young at heart.

Jessie 2014

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