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How yesterdayís ìcock up againî story was, well, cocked up!

3rd March 2007 @ 10:10am – by Audlem Webteam
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Amongst the mail flooding in to Audlemonline Villas this morning was the following missive from Colonel Custard (rtd) – astutely, we suspect this may be a pseudonym, but the writing style is vaguely familiar. The Colonel says of yesterday's story "Cock up again at St James' church":-


From my Salford residence (cosy don't you know) it's been my great pleasure to observe the rotational manoeuvres of the splendidly restored cock atop the tower of St. James the Great for nigh on three weeks now. Imagine my consternation to read that your "Audlem correspondent" has only just woken up to the fact. Dammed if he'd have survived long in the Hindu Kush with powers of observation like that. And him living within the shadow of the cocks revolving tail and all that! Harumpph man, get a grip and cast your eyes heavenward more often, you'll surely be richly rewarded.

Custard (Colonel ret'd) of Salford"

Yes, your correspondent has to admit it was only because it was blowing a hooley on Thursday afternoon, and he said to himself, "If only the cock was swinging to tell from whence that wind is blowing" that he looked up and spotted the restored golden bird.

As to looking up more regularly – as your correspondent meanders home past the church, he has to admit he's normally more concerned with the 42 tonnes of Poland's or Croatia's finest produce hurtling straight at him than admiring the top of the church tower.

The Colonel's letter does, however, make an interesting point – often the finest story, or headline opportunity, is right under, or in this particular case, above your nose!

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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