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How Audlem perceives the police and crime

20th November 2006 @ 11:11am – by Audlem Webteam
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Cheshire Police have supplied Audlem Online with the results of the recent Police Perception survey carried out by questionnaire and on-line on this website. 176 residents responded, 46% male and 54% female, with a good cross section of age groups letting the police have their views. Yesterday, we published the Audlem area crime/incident statistics, also supplied by the police.

Almost half, 48%, say they are worried about anti-social behaviour with the leading concerns including 'nuisance youths', 'anti-social behaviour' and 'vandalism/graffiti'. The only other leading issue was 'speeding/road safety'. When asked what should be done, by far the largest response was 'more police presence' and that the police should concentrate on these anti-social behaviour issues.

Despite these concerns, the majority do see crime and anti-social behaviour to be lower in Audlem than nationally with 63% saying it is less of a problem locally and only 6% higher – the remainder either thought it was roughly the same or didn't know. Surprisingly for a rural area, a significant number were worried about walking alone after dark – 30% – with another 14% saying they never walk alone. There was no change in the numbers feeling 'safer' or 'less safe' in the past 12 months, the 16.5% who felt safer were matched exactly by the 16.5% who felt less safe with the majority believing they felt about the same.

The majority – 80% – think the police understand the concerns of people living in Audlem and 89% believe the police are doing a good job, albeit 'a fairly good job' was the most popular option. Only 4% thought they were doing 'a fairly bad' or 'bad' job. 40% had been in contact with the police in some way but the majority of these was in a 'casual context' although 9% had been to report a crime.

The questionnaire asked which partners the police should work with to tackle issues. The answers indicated 'local' is best with the most popular partners by far being local schools, 'Homewatch' and the Parish Council. Only a fifth agreed that the Borough Council or County Council were 'the most effective partners'.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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