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A Homemade Christmas

21st November 2012 @ 7:07am – by Adrian Leighton
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On Saturday morning from 10.00am to 12noon, under the Buttermarket, ADAPT Food Group present “A Homemade Christmas.”

This is in way of a thank you to the good folk of Audlem and district who have supported our Saturday morning markets.

There will be free homemade punch and mince pies and sausage rolls as well as a number of other homemade goodies to sample.

Returning, by request, will be “Chutney Galore”, a chance to try a selection of homemade chutneys. Recipes will be available and advice on hand to help you save a little cash and put some fun into Christmas preparations.

In addition there will be ideas for homemade decorations from Yule logs to bottle top Christmas trees.

Come along and share some Christmas cheer with us and go away with some ideas for YOUR homemade Christmas.

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