Audlem District History Society has announced its 2007 Programme. All the details can now be found under the Society's name in the Information section of Audlem Online and the dates are also published in the Calendar of Events, including those for the remainder of 2006. The talks start at 7.45 for 8pm in the Scout and Guide
Hall, although one meeting each year is held in Whitchurch. The programme is as follows:-
Thursday January 18th: George Hardy on Job Wellings (travelled to USA and
Australia from Audlem) and other local families
February 15th: Roger Wickson "Some monastic scandals of the 12C & 13C"
March 15th: David Gatley "Child employment in the Potteries"
April 19th at Whitchurch: "History of Whixall Moss"
May 17th: Jonathan Pepler on "Historical Maps"
June 21st – afternoon visit.
Saturday July 14th – coach trip
Thursday September 20th: to be announced
October 18th: Graham Dodd "Tales of the Welsh Marches"
November 15th at 7.30pm: AGM followed by J. Popley "Vernacular Architecture"
Tuesday December 11th: Christmas meal
For further information, please contact Celia Bloor (Secretary):
Phone: 01270 811260
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