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Himalayan Balsam on Turnpike Field

8th July 2024 @ 6:06am – by Steve Elliott
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himalayan balsam seeds capsule fruits

Turnpike's Himalayan Balsam continues to grow and so it needs more pulling ASAP -- some of it is now starting to flower!!

To help control its spread, we use a technique that is approved by many organisations like the RHS, wildlife groups, professional weed control companies and a local agronomist.
We pull it out of the ground, break the stem near the roots and then simply stack it in piles, out of the way, and let it rot.

Tuesday 9th July

So, Steve Elliott will be down at the Boardwalk at 2.00pm on Tuesday 9th July and would welcome any volunteers to join him for a couple of hours.

Those that have done it before know that it's not physically demanding and is quite easy -just grasp the base of the stem and give it a steady gentle pull -- it usually brings the shallow roots with it.

We strongly recommend gloves, trousers and long sleeve as there are a lot of brambles and nettles around! Wear a hi-viz jacket if you can -- these help in knowing where people are and are not left behind when we finish!!

Someone with long wellies or waders would be useful so as to remove as much as possible along the brook bank so as to minimise its spread to other peoples land.

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