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Heathfield Road Planning Application Shock

3rd December 2014 @ 6:06am – by Audlem Parish Council
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The Parish Council discovered yesterday afternoon that Cheshire East's Strategic Planning Board is being recommended to approve the application to build 26 properties off Heathfield Road when it meets on Wednesday 10th December.

This is extremely disappointing: it is a complete about-turn, since the two previous applications have been unanimously refused by Cheshire East Councillors. The Planning Officer's report to the Committee, outlining the reasons for his recommendation, is shown below.*

Needless to say, the Parish Council will continue with its representations for refusal of the proposal, but the lack of a five-year housing land supply leaves us very exposed.

The production of the Neighbourhood Plan is now even more urgent, as until this is in place, Audlem remains vulnerable to speculative development.

*The Planning Officer's recommendation to the Strategic Planning Board states: 'It is acknowledged that the Council is unable to robustly demonstrate a five-year housing land supply and that, accordingly, in the light of the advice contained in the National Planning Policy Framework, it should favourably consider suitable planning applications for housing that can demonstrate that they meet the definition of sustainable development.

"There is an environmental impact in the locality due to the loss of open countryside and
agricultural land. However, the proposal will not have a significant impact on the landscape
character of the area and will represent a partial rounding off of the settlement without
resulting in an unacceptable intrusion into the open countryside.

"The proposal would satisfy the economic and social sustainability roles by providing for much needed housing adjoining an existing settlement where there is existing infrastructure and amenities.

"The proposal would provide policy compliant levels of affordable housing,
contributions to education and local health care. In addition it would also provide appropriate
levels of public open space both for existing and future residents.

"The boost to housing supply is an important benefit – and this application achieves this in the context of a deliverable, sustainable housing land release.

"Local concerns of residents are noted, particularly in respect of highway matters but the
impact is not considered to be severe under the NPPF test. An appropriate quality of design
can be secure at reserved matter stage as can any impacts on amenity.

"Subject to conditions, the proposal is considered to be acceptable in terms of its impact upon highway safety, amenity, flood risk, drainage, landscape and ecology.

"The scheme represents a sustainable form of development and that the planning balance
weighs in favour of supporting the development subject to a legal agreement and conditions."

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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