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Heartstart courses on Saturday

17th May 2012 @ 7:07am – by Helen Marsden
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Would you know what to do if a member of your family collapsed?

Thanks to the "Heartstart Audlem" scheme there are now 50 people in the Audlem area who do! 

Emergency Life Saving Skills are easy to learn and it's free! All ages are welcome!

There are plenty of places left on this Saturday's British Heart Foundation "Heartstart" courses, so why not join one?

One course will run in the morning in Audlem, and the same course will be repeated in the afternoon in Hankelow. 

Morning Session Time: 10.00am – 12.30pm (Please arrive by 9.50am)

Location: Audlem Public Hall

Afternoon Session Time: 2.30 – 5pm (Please arrive by 2.20pm)

Location: Hankelow Chapel Hall

A place on either course must be booked in advance by e-mailing Deb Ruscoe-Icke at (alternatively phone Deb on 01270-812339)

Further information on the Heartstart courses is attached.

Please note that there will be no further courses until the autumn, so do come this Saturday!

Helen Marsden
Heartstart Audlem Coordinator

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