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Halloween Spoons and fun at Brambles

31st October 2017 @ 6:06am – by Lisa Taylor
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I am sure you have noticed the colourful spoons in our shop window, these have been decorated with much enthusiasm by local children. Thank you kids for all of your fabulous spoons, I love every one of them and I am amazed by the creativity and effort that has gone into them.

I was thrilled that talented local lady Maggie Phillips helped me choose a few stand out spoons for a special mention.

Award For The Sparkliest and Best Use of Glitter Spoon
Maia (age 9) & Hannah (Age 2 1/2)

Award for the Scariest of Monsters Spoon
Izzy -- Age 15

Award for the The Spookiest Imagination Spoon
Ciara -- Age 11

Special Prize for Best Hair

All children who have decorated a Spoon will receive a Halloween treat, please pop in anytime to pick up your treat and take your Spoon as I am sure you will want to keep it.

And, if that is wasn't enough Halloween fun, we were thrilled to have Katy from Style and Sustenance, Katy demonstrated different decorating techniques and also made our pumpkin cake.
Thank you Katy and to everyone who took part. Happy Halloween.

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