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A great social evening in Audlem tonight

22nd December 2008 @ 6:06am – by Audlem Webteam
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Could it be the busiest ever Carol singing night in the Square this evening? With the Christmas tree possibly the best ever; many village shops staying open; Santa in his grotto in Williams' newsagents; the pubs joining in the festivities; it promises to be a bumper Festive Evening, a really sociable Audlem event.

Ralph Warburton of ADAS writes: "Monday, December 22nd sees the wonderful carols around the big tree in the Square at 7.30pm. This night will also be very big as the village will have another late-night opening with the shops – everyone who enjoyed the Festive Evening on 4th December will know how enjoyable and sociable the occasion was.

"The Lord Combermere will give out hot soup to the singers and, after the singing, the Bridge Inn will have Mince pies and Mulled wine for all. It promises to be a lovely night with a very big and happy family crowd enjoying the wonderful community spirit that we have in Audlem."

Dave Martin reminds us of the traditional music at the Shroppie Fly. He says: "There will be the usual weekly Monday acoustic music session in the Shroppie Fly, which no doubt will result in renditions (sometimes not so traditional!) of Christmas tunes & songs, amongst the usual variety of music. Indeed, visitors may well hear "While shepherds watched their flocks" to the tune of "Ilkley Moor Ba'tat" amongst other Audlem gems!"

With Santa returning to his grotto in Williams' newsagents too, this could be a very busy evening in Audlem. As well as the shops in the village centre, do pop down to the Mill Shop on the Wharf where you will be welcomed with a glass of wine – see yesterday's story "Thank you from the Mill Shop." Also, the Post Office will be open – there's lots of gift ideas available there.

Do come out tonight and join in the Festive Evening and make it one of the best ever in Audlem.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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