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A Good Win for Audlem FC

28th November 2017 @ 6:06am – by Ralph Warburton
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My night was a tad disturbed. A ring of electrics in the house failed at 0300 ish which set of the alarms. So up and isolate the fuse and to silence the raucous noise.

Toss and turn as I seek the arms of Morpheus -- but in the main, I fail. As such up and about and getting on with PC work . Planning now for the
annual Santa Sleigh which is on the 9th and 10th this year.

At this so silent a time of the day, one's mind can roam far and wide and I muse on a time 60 years ago now triggered by watching the BLUE PLANET SERIES
Such fantastic photography and research -- and a segment on jelly fish is displayed. And a "Portuguese man of War" .

Whilst I was in the Fleet Air Arm as a meteorologist aboard the Aircraft Carrier HMS Albion, we sailed into harbour at Gibraltar. A group of us went swimming in the bay in very deep Atlantic waters. And I was stung by one of these very big beasts. Big red welts on my upper arm and across my shoulders. Helped back to our boat by my mates, it took a good while for the heat and pain to die down. Not a recommended confrontation.

But, to the main subject of the day

Our very first Home game of this season . Delayed purposefully to try to give the playing surface as much a rest as possible.
Add to that the very first time to use the 5 star luxury of the superb New Annexe and its wonderful facilities.

Our opponents are Market Tavern ,as we seek a sixth game with no loss . If we win today, I have promised I will buy the first round at the Lord C – our loyal sponsor . A promise made before the season started and before we hit this good seam of play.

Referee today is Kevin Crump and he will have the use of the best officials room in the league. Indeed it is of Premier League standard.

Kick off sharp at 1100.
Bells of St James now silent.
Pitch good even after the welter of precipitation over Saturday.
Players full of praise at what the APHAx team have achieved here in Audlem with the New Annexe. Market Tavern again short of players as they field just
10 men and no subs at All . They do have such big heart to struggle as they do for each game. Oly their manager tells me he gets 15 for training but is
let down each Sunday.

Play fast and furious as each side tests each other in these early exchanges. Cold day with some darks clouds looming on the western horizon. Hope that
the day stays fine .

David Robertson presents us with four new match balls and trophies to hand out. David is a very welcome main supporter to our team.
Very cold wind as some spitty spots of rain arrive. But a rainbow over the cemetery is perhaps a good sign.

Great cross by Ross Henderson but their keeper saves. Audlem calling each other well in directing play. And language as clean as can be as we do
have a few spectators today. Taking advantage of the seating on the patio here.
Very very low bright sun shining into the Market Tavern goalie's eyes.

We gain corner after corner as we press hard on their goal. But no gain for us as MT goalie playing very well .

and Joel Cottrell has a fine shot on goal -- but yet again, saved. Mark Parker scores but referee rules offside .
Kev Mort get his usual telling off by the ref for his touchline strong advice!
Another great shot by Joel but it sails over the bar.Ten men MT are really doing well with good heart
More bits of light rain but only a flurry.
A great drive forward by Connor McGowan and his shot flies into their
goal. A really lovely goal .
( Finger tips really cold now in spite of my leather gloves )
David Farral , executive of the League leaves us as he moves on to another
game . On that note many games are off as pitches unplayable after
Saturday's weather .
Mo Haroon races forward, and fires a super ball into the top corner .
Great timing just before half time
Half Time

I take the chance to show some of the spectators just what we have to offer here in the new facility.


And on we go. Play a bit patchy as each side slows down a tad.

Pressure on their goal brings an own goal by their Nathan Stubbs as he tries to stop a shot.
Kev Mort now plays his subs strategy as he brings on Tom Bebbington. Adam Myers and Marcus Bell.

And the action pays dividends as Adam scores a beautiful goal

MT win their first corner of the game . No gain for them. An open goal presents itself to Tom but he shoots and it is blocked to a
corner. -- much to his total chagrin.

And Tom again fires in a shot. Saved.
Final whistle as Ref brings the game to a close.

Another good result for us. 6 weeks of no loss. All very chuffed as we troop back to the changing rooms.
Management team make sure they are left as tidy as possible.

Then to the Lord C for Allan's bounty of chips and bread and butter. Market Tavern come down too which is very good and I ensure the chips keep coming.
And of course the first round of beers ins down to me as per my promise back in July .

Man of the Match is Ross Henderson as chosen by our opponents- a choice I fully agree with . As do many of our knowledgeable spectators

Next march is away, in The Crewe FA Sunday Cup -- versus While Lion , a Premier league team. Very strong opponents so we must prepare well if we are
not to be torn apart .It will be a true test of management in their tactics for the game.

Ralph Warburton

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