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Gladman hearing next week

25th February 2014 @ 1:01pm – by Webteam
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Next Wednesday's Cheshire East Strategic Planning Board will consider the second Gladman application to build up to 120 dwellings at Little Heath.

The meeting starts at 10.30am on 5th March and is being held in the Capesthorne Room at Macclesfield Town Hall (SK10 1EA), the same venue where the two major Audlem planning applications – the original Gladman application and Hockenhull's for development off Heathfield Road and Mill Lane – were considered in October last year.

Both those were turned down although the first Gladman application had already gone to appeal as it was heard outside the 13-week limit. This similar second application is also out of time – it should have been heard by 3rd December – but no appeal for non-determination has been lodged this time.

Refusal recommended

The report to councillors recommends refusal of the application because it is unsustainable and the authority can demonstrate a 5-year supply of housing land; it will result in the loss of the best and most versatile agricultural land and the removal of an important hedgerow.

It will be interesting to see how much the latest version of the Cheshire East Local Plan and 5-year building supply – much covered on AudlemOnline last week – is taken into account next Wednesday.

Parish Council submission

In the report, Audlem Parish Council's submission says: "The Authority (Cheshire East) consider that 70 units over a 20 year period is acceptable, and within the settlement zone (of Audlem), and as stated earlier there are currently 43 extant planning approvals for the village of which only 2 have been completed.

"This clearly indicates that housing supply does not have a shortfall in the village, the introduction of a further 120 units would constitute an over supply and would not be necessary for local needs or for the long term sustainability of the village."

Audlem Parish Council has objected to the application and all their grounds are detailed in the report.


The meeting is open to the public and interested parties can register their interest in speaking. It is suggested that if you wish to speak you get in touch initially with Audlem Parish Council – Geoff Seddon at: – as there is a limited time for people to speak and some co-ordination would be sensible.

Full details of Gladman's planning application can be found by clickinghere.

Last time

The application is a resubmission of application 13/2224N, which is currently the subject of an Appeal against non-determination. The Strategic Planning Board resolved at its meeting on 9th October 2013 to contest the Appeal on the following grounds:

  • 1. The proposed residential development is unsustainable because it is located within the Open Countryside, where according to Policies NE.2 and RES.5 of the adopted Borough of Crewe and Nantwich Replacement Local Plan there is a presumption against new residential development. Such development would be harmful to its open character and appearance, which in the absence of a need for the development should be protected for its own sake. The Local Planning Authority can demonstrate a 5 year supply of housing land supply in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework. As such the application is also premature to the emerging Development Strategy. Consequently, there are no material circumstances to indicate that permission should be granted contrary to the development plan.
  • 1*. In the absence detailed survey information the applicant has failed to demonstrate that the proposal will not result in loss of the best and most versatile agricultural land and given that the Authority can demonstrate a housing land supply in excess of 5 years, the applicant has also failed to demonstrate that there is a need for the development, which could not be accommodated elsewhere. The use of the best and most versatile agricultural land is unsustainable and contrary to Policy NE.12 of the Borough of Crewe and Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011 and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework.
  • 2. The proposal would involve the removal of an "important" hedgerow as defined in the Hedgerow Regulations 1997. Policy NE5 of the local plan states that the Local Planning authority will protect, conserve and enhance the natural conservation resource where, inter alia, natural futures such as hedgerows are, wherever possible, integrated into landscaping schemes on development sites. In the absence of overriding reasons for allowing the development and the proposal is therefore contrary to Policy NR3 of the adopted Borough of Crewe and Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011.
  • 3. Insufficient information has been submitted to demonstrate that, at the proposed density, the scheme would provide for the retention and protection of existing trees of amenity value and therefore the applicant has failed to demonstrate that the proposal complies with Policy NE.5 (Nature Conservation and Habitats) of the Borough of Crewe and Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011 and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework.
  • 4. On the basis of the information submitted, the applicant has failed to demonstrate that the scheme provides for a sufficiently high quality of design for buildings and public spaces which will function well and add to the overall quality of the area, not just for the short term but over the lifetime of the development. In so doing, the proposal will also fail to take the opportunities available for improving the character and quality of an area and the way it functions and to establish a strong sense of place, using streetscapes and buildings to create attractive and comfortable places to live and visit contrary to the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework and policies BE2 (Design) and BE3 (Access and Parking) of the Borough of Crewe and Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011
  • 5. Insufficient information has been submitted to demonstrate that, at the proposed density, the scheme would provide for and adequate standard of amenity for existing and future occupiers and therefore the applicant has failed to demonstrate that the proposal complies with Policy BE1 (Amenity) of the Borough of Crewe and Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011.
  • 6. The proposal fails to make adequate provision for infrastructure requirements and community facilities, in the form of medical provision, the need for which arises directly as a consequence of the development, contrary to policy BE 5 of the adopted Borough of Crewe and Nantwich Replacement Local Plan. It is therefore socially unsustainable contrary to the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework. *This is the numbering of the agenda item for the meeting.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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