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Get Running – Thursday Morning Socal Run

6th September 2023 @ 6:06am – by Sue satchithananda
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Spokes and Laces Team

Interested in being more active and meeting new people? Or maybe you're looking to get running and need a little encouragement? If so, we're pleased to let you know that Spokes & Laces will be holding a regular Thursday morning social run starting this week (Thu. 7th Sep.).

We meet at the back of Audlem Public Hall at 0905 ready for a warm up and run at 0915. All abilities catered for and no-one will be left behind as we walk, jog and/or run together.We'll vary the route each week but will stick to the paths and bridleways of the local area for approximately 40 to 50 minutes, finishing at the Public Hall for a cool down at around 1015. There will then be the opportunity for runners to share a coffee and cake at a local cafe/inn afterwards.

Runs are organised and led by Jon Clements, who is a UKA qualified Run Leader, first-aid qualified and fully-insured.

Bookings can be made online here. Each session costs £3. It is possible to turn up on the day but booking is preferable as the maximum group size is 10.

Any questions, contact Jon on 07736 926 593.

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