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A genuine wind-up story

25th August 2012 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Church Clock Centenary Appeal
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Great news – the money has been raised, permission has been given, dates have been set and now, we are heading for the last wind up!

If you would like to be able to say in years to come “I was one of the last people to wind Audlem Clock” you can do 1 of 2 things:-

  • You can ring 01270 811887 or 01270 811774 to arrange to come on a Thursday evening at 9pm when the clock is normally wound or

  • You can ring one of those numbers to arrange to come at another time.

A donation towards the future up keep of the Clock will be gratefully received – existing donors can wind for free.

The work is scheduled to be completed by the end of September so – Don't leave it too late! 

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