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Game on at Oxtail & Trotter

30th October 2012 @ 7:07am – by Kate Pocock
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With temperatures dropping and leaves falling we are now truly into Autumn. 

The game season is now well underway and Oxtail & Trotter have their first delivery of local pheasant being delivered Tuesday!  

This bird is not only stunning to look at but is exceptional to eat. The key to cooking it is not to overcook it! If you are fed up with chicken and crave a piece of meat with a more robust kick to it, then look no further than pheasant.  

In season from now until January, it makes for a rich, intensely flavoured alternative, perfect for wintery evenings, accompanied with seasonal winter vegetables and a full-bodied glass of red wine.

We will be selling oven-ready pheasants from a local estate from now until late January and also oven-ready partridges. Get your Pheasant and Partridge recipes out now!

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