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A game of two halves

29th October 2012 @ 7:07am – by Ralph Warburton
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Yesterday's Audlem FC match in the Cheshire league was versus Cricketers Arms of Sandbach. This team came with a big reputation having thrashed Nomans Heath 14 – 1 last Sunday.

The game was played at the Sandbach Boys Grammar school and on a very small pitch with confusing markings as it is used for rugby too. The referee was Mr Betterley of Sandbach.

We kicked off, in the words of many a truism, full of hope and earnest endeavour. 22 minutes in and we were ahead 1 – 0  with a good goal by Jeff Roots. A bad tackle on Dave Bebbington made for a substitution with Ian Chalker coming on.

Good work by our goalie who was pulling off saves but then they equalised. 1 – 1. Good discipline at the back with the line being held in defence very well. An attack and Roots scored again putting us ahead 2 – 1. Wonderful. We were in leading at half time and feeling good.

The restart, and five minutes later it was 2 – 2. Then followed a spell when our goalie was at fault with Cricketers soon up 4 – 2. Alan Brindley went off with tight hamstring and Craig Holding came on. But our heads were dropping. We went to pieces.

Time and again we were opened up as they attacked in force. Line discipline went and in the end we lost 8 – 2.

Such a shame that after looking like a good team in the first half we fell apart at the seams. As our manager, Geoff Stretch, so aptly put it: "A game of two halves." Truly. Perhaps we will learn.

Next week, we have to play away even though we have a home draw in the Cup as the pitch here will be damaged by the bonfire night display. And we are up against Acton Star – reputedly very strong and tough. 

Ralph Warburton
Chairman Audlem FC

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