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Fun-ky weekend packed full of events

19th July 2007 @ 10:10am – by Audlem Webteam
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The Fun-ky team is gearing up for a fun packed weekend this Saturday and Sunday, plus a pre-view on Friday, in Audlem. An amazing array of events is planned. Audlem Online will be featuring them over the next few days.

The Friday event is the Ju Jitsu demo & workshop in Audlem Scout hall at 7.00pm.

Turn up & watch the demo and maybe join in! Contact Margaret 812018 for further information. The age guide is 6 years upwards to take part but all are welcome to watch.

Saturday features the Fun-ky Triathlon – Bike, Race, Bounce & Climb. Please bring your bike, helmet & plenty of energy!! But do note that your bike will be inspected for safety in the pitstop!! The times on Saturday for each age group are:

School year reception – 2: 11 am – 12 noon

School year 3 & 4: 12.30pm – 1.30pm

School year 5 & 6: 2pm – 3pm

School year 7 +: 3.30pm – 4.30pm

New this year is the amazing climbing wall! Contact Joanna Allman 811222 or Helen Rounding 812056 or email">

There are Craft events in the marquee on the playing field from 11am – 1pm on both Saturday and Sunday.

Come along and get creative with glass painting and come away with a decorated tea light holder. Also, back by popular demand, once again get creative with beads – paints, jars, beads etc. are supplied. Also back again, help to stitch up funky by continuing the funky banner with the Audlem Embroiderers' Guild. Just pop in between 11.00am and 1.00pm and add your creative talents to what will become a lasting funky heirloom. The Age Guide is 2 to 16+ years.

And there's more crafts in the marquee on the playing field 11am – 4pm both Saturday & Sunday. Make a hat from old scraps of material, discarded material...... in fact anything that you can find hanging about in the marquee! And then........enter you and your hat into the Hat Parade at the awards and talent show on Sunday in the Public Hall. Everything provided – age guide from 2 to 11.

For budding actors and theatrical types, try the Talent Show workshops with Day-Star Theatre in the Public Hall between 2.00 – 4.30pm Saturday and 2.00 – 4.00pm on Sunday, if time needed.

If you have a talent, if you have a song to sing, a dance to dance, a joke to tell, a band to play or you can juggle with your eyelids or whatever and you would like to take part in the Awards and Talent Show on Sunday, then book a workshop time on Saturday and work on your act with Pete & Jane from the professional theatre company Day-Star.

When you have got your act sorted and you are feeling confident we will give you a spot in the Awards & Talent Show at 5pm on Sunday. Your act should be around 3 – 4 minutes long. Age guide is 8 – 18. To Book a workshop time, email"> or telephone Pete or Jane on 01270 811330

Tomorrow, on Audlem Online, we'll feature the events planned for later on Saturday and for Sunday, including the famous Box Cart Derby.

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