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Fun-ky presents the Box Cart Derby challenge today

21st July 2007 @ 11:11am – by Audlem Webteam
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There's an amazing range of events planned for Fun-ky weekend in Audlem – we covered many yesterday. Today, there's a real favourite, the Box Cart Derby, on 'Death Alley' (aka Vicarage Lane) at 5.00pm on Saturday. Competitors will have onstructed their own box cart (in advance) to enter the Death Alley Run!!!

The Construction Rules are that the entrant must have participated in the construction of his/her car. The car basics are a minimum of 4 wheels; the wheels must be positioned in conventional car design. i.e. one in each corner; all vehicles must be structurally safe and capable of steering; all vehicles must have a fixed seat; a brake system must be in place and work. Roll cages and belts are recommended and no propelling devices are permitted (including mechanical, electrical, magnetic, pneumatic, nuclear or any other device designed to store and release energy!)

The driver must be able to easily enter/exit the car in 10 seconds or less. No liquids can be used for ballast and all ballast must be fixed to the chassis.(other than the driver!). No electronic devices are permitted in the car (Including speed camera detectors).

For safety, head protection must be worn and additional protection is recommended i.e. gloves, elbow/kneepads strong footwear (especially if used for braking!)

The Track, while called 'Death Alley', basically the organisers do not want this track to live up to its name. It is a rutted tarmac design, bumpy and quick, approximately 150 metres long and very quick. Straw bales are used for safety and marking out at least one chicane.

For the Time Trial, there will be a minimum of one test run and one timed run subject to the number of entries. All entrants need to be at the Pit Area for the 5:00pm briefing and running order draw. Test runs will then take place. On completion of test runs, the competition run will take place! Timekeeper and Judges decision will be final.

Prizes are for the Fastest Cart; Best Fun Cart; Best Constructed Cart and Best spill!

To Enter send an e-mail to"> or"> or

phone Ian on 01270 812068.

The event is sponsored by Kampa'daze

And after all the fun, it'll be time for the music night at the Public Hall.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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