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Fun-ky goes on despite the weather

21st July 2007 @ 10:10am – by Audlem Webteam
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The Fun-ky team write to say: "Despite its best efforts, the persistent rain has failed to dampen funky spirits. Sadly, for safety reasons, the events actually on the playing field have been cancelled, these being the funky footy tournament on Sunday and the funky triathlon today. However, unless the weather takes a turn for the even worse, 2 special features from the triathlon will still be there between 11am and 4pm today. These are the bouncy 'obstacle course' castle and the great new feature for this year the fantastic climbing wall. So look out for them on the car park." "Everything else on the programme will run as advertised, which includes the craft tents, box cart derby and music night and have a go at tennis tomorrow. So don't stay in it's only a bit of rain! See you all there."

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