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Forthcoming NSPCC events

28th January 2007 @ 12:12pm – by Audlem Webteam
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The Audlem NSPCC committee has been busy organising a range of fund-raising events for 2007.

A barn dance will be held on Saturday 24 February in the Public Hall to music provided by well-known local ceilidh band, The Crofters, with their caller Sylvia Fisher. There will be a licensed bar and the doors open at 7.30 pm for an 8.00 pm start. In addition to lively dancing to The Crofters, a hot-pot supper, followed by apple pie, is also included in the ticket price. Don't miss this dance! It promises to be a very good night.

Tickets, priced at £10 per head, are available from the Post Office or from Rose – tel 01270 811647.

Saturday 19th May is the next date for your diary, when there will be a stall under the Buttermarket from 10 am to 12 noon selling good quality second-hand goods. And if you have any unwanted presents or other items that you are willing to donate to a good cause please contact the above phone number to arrange for their collection. Your gifts will be very much appreciated – and remember that all money raised goes towards the NSPCC.

Finally, the committee will also have a stall selling bric a brac on the playing fields at the Festival of Transport on Sunday 29 July. More details to follow.

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