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For those New Year resolutions

1st January 2014 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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Looking for something new in 2014. Here's a few suggestions:


Every Saturday in the Scout & Guide Hall with Alex Davis
9.00am Strictly Dance Aerobics
10.00am Pilates
£5 per class or £8 if you do both together.

ARS, the Audlem Ramblers Society, organises walks with LongARS walks – normally 8 – 12 miles – on the second Saturday morning of the month and ShortARS walks – normally around 5 miles and more local than the longer walks on the last (sometimes the 4th) Saturday of the month.


Are you an artist, art student, occasional doodler, keen draughtsman, hobby painter or art enthusiast? Well what better way to get your eye in than to attend the first Life Drawing Class to hit the area in over 7 years!

From Monday January 6th, there will be evening classes in Life Drawing at Adderley Village Hall. The session will run for 6 weeks initially and if it is a success it may become a permanent fixture.

Heidi Browne is organising the evenings as an artists' co-operative. All participants are to bring their own materials (though some will be available) and easels if they have them. There are already life models arranged, though if any locals would like to model (remunerated), please get in touch.

Sessions will run each Monday evening from 7.30pm – 9.30pm at Adderley Village Hall and are payable as £30 for 6 week session, or at £6 a time. Money will go to pay for room hire, models and materials.

For more information, email Heidi:

Separately, the Audlem art group meets each Wednesday in the Scout & Guide Hall with ten week sessions of watercolour painting from January 8th. Anyone who fancies joining can come along to the Scout and Guide Hall on any Wednesday morning at 10.00am.

A ten week run costs £63 but if you join mid-way through a run you will only pay for the sessions remaining. For more details please call Stuart Watkinson on 01270 662763.


The popular Tuesday Night Quiz at the Lord Combermere is at 9.00pm every Tuesday. Questions by Ralph Warburton and Mike Haines with free food and prizes.

There's also a monthly Quiz at the White Lion at Hankelow.

A selection

Bingo every other Friday in the Public Hall with hosts Olive and Geoff Stretch. It's Eyes Down at 7.30pm and is a sociable and friendly evening.

There's the Embroiderers' Guild once a month and on the same day (normally) but in the Evening, The Audlem District History Society with a wide range of interesting talks. All details can be found on AudlemOnline.

Interested in environmental issues. Then ADAPT may be for you. They meet on the first Wednesday of the month (but not today) at the Baptist Chapel and have groups working on local food growing, energy and much else.


For the youngsters, there's Beavers, Cubs or Scouts – see details under Groups/Young People or use the Search facility at the top right of the Homepage to find each of these groups which meet in Scout & Guide Hall in Cheshire Street.

And football for the youngsters sees Audlem Saints training most Saturday mornings during term times.

We have included only a small selection of activities but keep an eye out on this website for much more.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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