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Flower News update

15th August 2011 @ 7:07am – by Sam and Dominique
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All you flower lovers in the village will be pleased to hear that work is coming on well with the refurbishment of the Flower shop.

The work room has a smart new floor and a modern new look. The shop itself has a brand new colour scheme and will be fitted out in the next couple of weeks with some smart new furniture and a dedicated consultation area, complete with reference books and design ideas.

The Shop front will be getting a face lift as well with a new glazed door to protect the flowers from the cold winter weather along with new shop signage which will be arriving soon.

We have been working hard to select a range of giftware we feel will suit our customer’s needs as well as compliment the flowers and plants they shall be stocking.

We have a new supplier on board who will be supplying us with tropical flowers imported direct from the Far East so look out for some interesting new lines in tropical cut flowers and orchids.

Last weekend saw the Fleur Creative International Flower event at Chicheley hall in Milton Keynes which we attended and have come away with lots of inspiration from the world’s leading floral designers.

This is the first year the event has been held in the UK and it is hoped it will become an annual event, if this is the case then we are hoping to enter one of the competitions next year to represent the area and put the shop on the map.

Watch this space for more news very soon and thank you for the all the messages of support and encouragement we know that everyone is keen to support local businesses and we appreciate your patience while we get the shop just how we want it.


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