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A Festival report from ASET

30th July 2007 @ 10:10am – by Audlem Webteam
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Ralph Warburton of ASET writes to say: "The whole day was a great success. The long snaking queues of folks at the Snugbury's ice cream stall; the complete sell out of the hog roast and the wonderful sales etc at all the other stalls, including our local charities, made for a very happy day for them – and these folk all contribute to helping us defray the costs of the day for which we are most grateful."

"The parade had to be mixed due to the poor state of the green at Hankelow after all the rain but Bill Consterdine managed magnificently to give a full running and informative commentary on the vehicles as they came through the Square."

"The Norman Proudlove trophy was awarded by The Proudlove Family to Michael Stuart Blakemore of Nantwich. His car is a lovely 1969 Lotus Cortina Twin Cam – a true race and rally car of the 60's. It was recently filmed by Sky TV at Catton Hall for their Men -Motors programme!"

"A piece about this Festival will, we hope, make the press and we were one of the very few who did not cancel. The message from most of the owners of the vehicles was "how do I book in for 2008!". Our programme sellers did a grand job in sales and their bucket collections."

"A lovely happy occasion and enjoyed by all who came and supported us. And huge thank you's to all who volunteered to help us make it a special day here in Audlem."

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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