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The Festival of Transport – in verse

31st July 2006 @ 8:08am – by Audlem Webteam
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David Basford of Market Drayton has sent this poem in praise of yesterday's hugely successful Transport of Festival. Many thanks, David:

Audlem Festival of Transport

Was a "Transport of delight".

With cars of every type and sort,

It was a wondrous sight.

The 'A.S.E.T' Team had put together

A really fantastic event;

They even organised the weather

To be enjoyed by all who went.

All afternoon the sun shone;

'Though once it tried to rain!

While just South, in Market Drayton

It was running down the drain!!

My Granddaughter paid a visit,

And the cars just "Knocked her flat";

She said, "Granddad, please, why is it

Now they don't make cars like that"?.

Most of the vehicles were British,

All made here in the U.K.

The sight made a great many folks wish

They could have the same choices today!.

So All thanks to Audlem A.S.E.T.

They really deserve a 'BIG CHEER',

And I think it's a really "Cast Iron Bet"

That we'll all be returning next year.

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