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Fantastic Poetry film

27th February 2016 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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Visitors to the Audlem Music & Arts Festival each year, and in particular fans of the annual Poetry Slam, will recognise the name Emma Purshouse.

Emma will back again at the Bridge Inn in May for the Festival but, in the meantime, she has made a special appearance at FatPigeon Live.

You can now see a full version of her conversation with Pigeon's Pete Marshall filmed in Audlem cemetery and featuring a number of her poems. It's a great piece of entertainment.

For those frustrated that the AudlemOnline version of the FatPigeon Live broadcasts does not, as yet, offer the full screen option, simply click on the YouTube logo at the bottom right of the film and that will enable you to move to full-screen.

Simply click on the arrow on the image and enjoy.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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