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Embroiderers' Guild Open Day

20th April 2009 @ 6:06am – by Sue Morgan
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Sue Morgan reports on the South Cheshire Embroiderers' Guild Open Day Event on Thursday last week: "An early start with all hands on deck at 8.00am at the Public Hall in Audlem village centre. The caretakers had already been working hard as the tables and chairs were out and in place. There was an awful lot to do, cars to unload, stalls to set up, traders arriving – it was all go!

"By 9.45 we were ready for the public to arrive. The hall was well set out with a dedicated refreshments area, colourful displays on the stalls and importantly, room for people to circulate without feeling too crowded. After a double check that everyone was happy we opened the doors.

"We had publicised the event extensively but could not believe the response, within 30 minutes of opening we had over 100 visitors through the doors, the atmosphere in the hall was fantastic, there was a real buzz of excitement and anticipation.

"Soon the car park was full, more and more visitors arrived, the refreshment area was doing a roaring trade selling freshly made sandwiches and homemade cakes. The stall holders were busy and the demonstrators had people waiting to see them at work.

"The press had been invited and two photographers attended the event, one from The Chronicle and one from The Shropshire Star. The village policeman also came to visit – he seem surprised by the number of visitors to the event.

"The raffle had some great prizes and proved very popular with our visitors, it was drawn at 2.30pm with many of the prize winners still in the hall.

"Visitors continued to arrive even up to us closing at 3.00pm. Once everyone had left it was time to pack up the stalls and reload the cars.This went very smoothly and we were ready to leave within 45mins. The traders were pleased with the day and were amazed at the number of visitors (235) as well as the distances that some had travelled to attend the event. All the traders said they would like to return if we held another similar event.

"The Committee and all the helpers went home very tired but really pleased to have been part of such a hugely successful event, one that put the South Cheshire branch of the Embroiderers' Guild firmly on the map once again."

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