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Derek "The Deputy" retires

4th October 2020 @ 6:06am – by Geoffrey Robinson
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Off to Cornwall

It is with a heavy heart that we the Volunteer Lock keepers on the canal, said our goodbyes to Derek Jones (fondly known as the Deputy).

Derek and his charming wife Pam are moving to Cornwall after around eleven years here in leafy Audlem.

So the lads got together yesterday to wish him and Pam a fond farewell. We are going to miss them both.

It goes without saying that Derek has kept our boat afloat, and his knowledge and genial outlook towards the canal stood us all in good stead.

We wish them all the best and I would imagine so will some of the lovely Audlem villagers also..

The photo shows Derek and me just taking a (ed – jolly well-earned!) break on the towpath..

Regards Robbo..

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