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Depleted Saints denied by woodwork

24th November 2008 @ 12:12pm – by Audlem Webteam
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The managers in The Premiership had to cope with depleted squads at the weekend due to the midweek international games. Audlem Saints U10s also had a depleted squad on Sunday but rather than international call ups the reasons were far more interesting. We had one boy furthering his burgeoning tennis career, one boy on holiday, one with a sore leg and another going to see the James Bond movie!

The boys that did play had to cope with dark, wet, windy and thoroughly miserable conditions. They played very well indeed, creating bagfuls of chances against a strong Boro Boys team. Audlem hit the bar twice, the post once and found a Boro keeper in inspired form. The 0-0 score line does not do justice to the quality of game which was very good – great attacking play from Audlem and stout defending from Boro.

Match report by David Parry

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