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Dave & Monique: Last day's ride

12th April 2012 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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If all continues to plan, Dave & Monique's amazing 8-day cycle ride from Land's End to John o' Groats via Coxbank and Audlem will end successfully today.

Yesterday they tweeted that they had lunched in Aviemore so all seems to be on schedule after what they described as "Fantastic scenery and great riding today."

It had been tougher on Tuesday when they were battling through Central Scotland including crossing the Forth Bridge. Dave's comments included: "Cold wet and very miserable" and "Thank goodness for mum & dad's support – much happier now with warmer gloves."

As they rode into Scotland on Monday, they were astonished to bump into someone they knew at Gretna.

Sunday had seen them start the day in Audlem after an over-night stop at home in Coxbank. They said: "Good start this morning, presented with a cheque for £500 by Audlem 5A's then joined by Audlem CC. Good to ride with the club. Left them at Warrington, it hasn't been very picturesque since through the drizzle and headwind."

This has been their route:

5th April Lands End to Whiddon Down 97 miles DAY 1
6th April Whiddon Down to Thornbury 110 miles DAY 2
7th April Thornbury to Coxbank 116 miles DAY 3
8th April Coxbank to Kendal 110 miles DAY 4
9th April Kendal to Abington 106 miles DAY 5
10th April Abington to Pitlochry 115 miles DAY 6
11th April Pitlochry to Tain 118 miles DAY 7
12th April Tain to John O’ Groats 86 miles DAY 8
Total 858 miles

You can check on progress today as they ride to John 'o Groats on Twitter @davidcooper99

You can also donate to their chosen charity, the Teenage Cancer Trust, by following the link below the photos of their stop in Audlem on Sunday morning.

So far, including Gift Aid, their on-line donations total £3,266.67. In addition, they have received other donations including the £500 cheque in the photo above raised at this year's Panto by Audlem 5A Drama Group.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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