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Dancing Champions at Wartime Concert

30th October 2012 @ 7:07am – by Catherine Gresty
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Dancing Champions to Showcase at Wartime Concert

Who needs Strictly Come Dancing when you can experience the real thing in Audlem on Saturday 10th November.  

ASET are thrilled to announce the involvement of Pritchards 'Champions of the Future'  - Curtis and Annabelle have agreed to join the line up at the Wartime Concert to wow the audience with their show dances.  

Tickets are on sale now for this evening with a difference, as Audlem's Public Hall will be transported back in time to the 1940s as The Trent River Big Band will play for all to enjoy.  

Dance if you wish, sit back and relax if you prefer. This will be an evening of good old fashioned entertainment.

A bar will be available and tickets are just £10 from Audlem Post Office.


or telephone: 01270 811211

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