A week or so ago, AudlemOnline commented that Coole Lane was now in a much better condition except for 200m or so towards the southern end of the lane and its junction with the A525.
We were therefore pleased to receive the following Road Closure Notice:
Notice is hereby given that the Cheshire East Borough Council, in exercise of its powers under Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and of all other enabling powers, issues this notice temporarily to Restrict traffic in the following length of road:-
Coole Lane, Newhall from its junction with A525 Whitchurch Road to its junction with Hollin Green Lane.
The Restriction is necessary to enable Cheshire East Highways to carry out resurfacing works.
The alternative diversion route will be via; Hollin Green Lane, Heatley Lane, A530 Whitchurch Road, A5015 Goldsmith Lane, A525 Whitchurch Road and vice versa.
It is anticipated that the works will be carried out on Thursday 5th, Friday 6th, Monday 9th, Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 11th September 2013, between 08:00 – 17:00 hours.
This notice will become operative on Thursday 5th September 2013 for a period of 5 days or for such less time as is necessary to enable the works to be completed.
If you have any enquiries relating to the works please contact Bob Speak at Cheshire East Highways on telephone number 03001235020 or alternatively email:
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