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Contributions wanted for Around Audlem

3rd April 2015 @ 6:06am – by Kira Nicholls
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Spring Issue 2015

Have you a story you'd like to share about recent events in Audlem & District or is there something coming up that you'd like to publicise? Then why not send the dates and details – and a photo if you have one – to our quarterly newsletter, Around Audlem?

The Spring issue will be distributed during the first week in May. It will cover highlights from the last three months plus events coming up in May, June and July.

Please don't forget to include all the relevant information in your story – for example, do say if it's an annual event or your most important fund-raiser of the year.

A photo will greatly help the chances of your story being included. We need large photo files to print and please send them as separate email attachments, not embedded in a Word document.

Please send your contribution to, or leave it at the Post Office by Wednesday 15 April 2015.

As ever, a big thank you goes to those who have already sent in a story.

Kira Nicholls,
Editor 'Around Audlem'

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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