Cheshire East Council has today launched a public consultation on its draft Crewe HS2 Masterplan Vision.
The questionnaire is available via the council's website (see link below).
The masterplan vision document aims to provide a strategic framework for the town, showing how current regeneration plans for Crewe could be built upon through future development, investment and infrastructure to maximise the transformative economic benefits of an enhanced HS2 hub rail station at Crewe.
The draft masterplan vision is based on government deciding to deliver both enhanced rail infrastructure and a hub station at Crewe capable of serving up to seven stopping high-speed HS2 trains per hour, with direct services to Manchester, Birmingham and London.
Together with a programme of investments in the town centre, hub station surrounding area and local highways network, the vision shows how Crewe could be truly transformed for the benefit of communities across the borough – creating potential diverse employment, housing, retail, leisure, cultural and educational opportunities.
The masterplan vision would support the creation of almost 40,000 new jobs over the next 30 years in Crewe alone and facilitate additional economic growth across the surrounding towns in Cheshire East and its Constellation partners in neighbouring authorities.
It would also look to create a new commercial hub around the station housing more than 350,000sq metres of new commercial floor space and deliver an additional 7,000 homes, above existing plans, by 2043.
The public consultation is open until 5pm on Friday January 12, 2018, and you can respond with your feedback on the masterplan vision either by:
For any queries about this consultation, contact customer services on 0300 123 50 32.
The six-week consultation follows unanimous approval by Cheshire East Council's cabinet on November 7 and will be the first phase of the consultation process.
The draft masterplan vision will also be shared with key stakeholder groups for their feedback and comments.
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