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Confusion about bus timetable (updated)

2nd April 2008 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Celia Bloor writes: "So on March 31st the times of buses through Audlem were changed considerably. Did you know that? The bus stop timetable under the Buttercross is the old one still. I have reported it to the Cheshire Traveline.

"I saw nothing on the bus last week and I saw no new timetables in the Civic Hall last week. The buses now have copies of the new timetables and the Civic Hall has them now. The notice now in the buses doesn't actually say that times are changing on the 73 route."

Celia adds at 1.00pm: "I checked this morning and there are no new bus timetables at the Post Office or the Tourist Information office at Williams'.

I have hand written some labels and stuck them on the board where the old timetable is displayed and sent an email to Travel line. Those of us who are trying to use public transport find this sort of thing unforgiveable."

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