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Community Pride 'Best Kept Village' results in detail

24th October 2006 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Following Audlem's win in the Best Kept Village Awards, details of the judging have now been provided by the organisers of the Community Pride competition. They show that Audlem scored a handsome 95% in the markings with a strong score, never less than 90%, in each of the eleven criteria used by the judges. In 2 areas, the village achieved 100% – firstly, the Exteriors and associated surroundings of places of worship, churchyards and cemeteries, public gardens and open areas; secondly the village green, ponds, canal and impression of conservation/environmental projects.

The judges then commented in detail (This is just part of the report. As it's lengthy, more will be on Audlem Online tomorrow and the rest of this week):- "Our first impression from the centre, sitting in the Buttermarket, was that in just sitting and observing activities occurring around us, there was a good sense of village pride already and we were keen to explore further. All the historical artefacts around this area are well cared for and are integrated into the centre of the village.

"Most of the shops can be seen from this viewpoint and they are clean, well maintained and well run. The window displays are excellent and the windows sparkle which deserves congratulations as this can't be an easy task being so close to the main road. Many of the shops are a source of local information of local information with regard to local activities and events, of which there are many, also lots of information for visitors to the village so they too can enjoy what Audlem has to offer. We were particularly impressed by the events chart in the Pharmacy window – and the excellent website!

"Information is readily available from the many notice boards in the village which, on the whole, were in good condition, although one or two required attention – particularly those with wooden frames."

More tomorrow on the judges' comments on the car park area, pubs and café, public hall. On Wednesday, the detail will continue with their assessment of the churches, open spaces and playing area. Finally, on Thursday, there'll be the judges comments on gardens and floral displays.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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