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Co-op Local Community Fund benefits ADCA Carers

23rd November 2019 @ 6:06am – by Phil Lloyd, ADCA
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A very large cheque!

Carers and volunteers from Audlem and District Community Action (ADCA) went to the Co-op Food store in Audlem today to receive a cheque for £2,111.12, after the charity was a beneficiary of the latest round of payments under the Co-op Local Community Fund.

The Fund helps community projects countrywide by allocating 1% of what Co-op members spend on selected own-branded products and services, plus shopping bag sales. ADCA is one of the local causes to have benefited from money spent in the Audlem Co-op over the past six months.

Receiving the cheque from Store Manager Jo Dale, ADCA's Treasurer Phil Lloyd said: "We are very grateful to the Co-op for accepting ADCA as a beneficiary of the Local Community Fund, and to all the Co-op members locally who chose ADCA to benefit from their shopping at Audlem Co-op. This money will be a great help to us to continue the work we do with so many carers in the Audlem area. We know from the comments we receive how much the events we organise help carers to feel less isolated, better supported and even to feel healthier themselves."

ADCA runs a fortnightly Carers Support Coffee Morning in the Lord Combermere, providing information, advice and support to local people with caring responsibilities, as well as organising short breaks for carers to enable them to "recharge their batteries". During 2019, these events have included a Carers' Well-Being course, bowling sessions at Audlem Bowling Club and a Spa Day at Alvaston Hall.

Store Manager Jo Dale added: "The Co-op is delighted to be able to support wonderful community projects like ADCA's work with local carers. I would encourage more people to become members, so that the Local Community Fund can reach out to give even more back to the communities we serve."

Note to Carers

If there is anyone in the Audlem area who is a carer and would like to find out more about the support and advice that ADCA can offer, please contact Lynn Morear on 07376 070586.

Other Beneficiaries

It should be noted that the Co-op Community Fund has helped other Audlem organisations in this round of funding

  • Friends of Audlem School (FASA)
  • Audlem & District Amenities Society (ADAS)

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