Following the report on ADAS's AGM earlier this morning, which commented on the disappointing number of people attending, a correspondent has contacted Audlem Online to say: "The ADAS meeting clashed with AGM's for both the Audlem Tree House and the Youth Club ruling out all of those connections plus the spouses of those with young children."
That may well be an explanation. At least that might put the numbers down to 'vibrancy' rather than apathy.
Since this story first appeared, Pete Marshall has been in touch to clarify one point. He says: "The Youth Club meeting was not the AGM but our committee/volunteer meeting which unfortunately had already been rescheduled once and there were several important matters that we needed to address. However there was a representative of 'youth organisations' (football club, youth club & funky) at the ADAS meeting who thanked ADAS for their continued support.
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