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Claiming compensation for tyre damage

30th December 2015 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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Regular readers will have seen the lead news stories over the past two days about the troublesome pothole – well, the sinking area area around a drain at Hatherton – that numerous cars have hit since just before Christmas.

A Chatbox post yesterday reminds those that have suffered damage to tyres or even wheels about how to claim compensation from Cheshire East. It says: "The telephone number to ring to report damage is 0300 1235020 and the reference number is 3240975. As previously stated it is unfortunately on a bend that requires the decision to cross the white line on a bad bend to avoid the pothole. It is currently about 8 inches deep."

The reappearance of such a deep hole only days after it was supposedly repaired also raises serious questions about the way potholes and other hazards are being attended to. Surely a professional repair should last longer than a day or two when it is such a hazard that a car could swerve to avoid it and hit a car coming in the opposite direction.

If you have suffered damage, do submit a claim as someone at Cheshire East may spot a link between a large number of expensive claims and the council's failure to maintain the roads. After all, it's not as if we have had much frost so far this winter.

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