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Cheshire East's 'No' to Gladman

10th October 2013 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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As announced on AudlemOnline yesterday, the Gladman application for up to 120 dwellings at Little Heath was considered and refused by Cheshire East's Strategic Planning Board meeting in Macclesfield.

The Gladman plan was considered by the Board despite it already going to appeal because of non-determination within the allowed 13-weeks. Cheshire East had decided the plan should still be heard as that could contribute significantly to the future consideration by the planning inspector.

Councillors described the plan for up to 120 dwellings at Little Heath as "preposterous" and "outrageous" and turned it down unanimously with all twelve on the board voting for refusal.

Cheshire East Council

After the planners had outlined to councillors their views on this plan, described in 55 pages of detailed considerations, Cheshire East councillor Janet Clowes of Wybunbury spoke as local councillor Rachel Bailey could not because of a conflict of interest. She pointed out how important Audlem was to neighbouring hamlets but said that an additional 400 residents would put a strain on local services, notably the medical centre which would have to close its books to new patients.

Audlem punches above its weight but growth must be slow and sustainable. She added that the Local Plan indicates 70 new dwellings over 20-years: that is sustainable development.

Audlem Parish Council

Parish councillor Geoff Seddon spoke on behalf of Audlem Parish Council. He described the proposed development as unplanned, huge compared with the existing village, outside the settlement boundary and on good-quality agricultural land.

He added that the sewers were already creaking, the medical practice is full, public transport is inadequate, the village lacks Superfast broadband and there is a lack of local employment. The proposal would add 17% to the number of Audlem properties and would be seen for miles around as it's on high ground.

Cllr Seddon quoted the National Planning Policy Framework which says developments outside the settlement boundary should have access to high-quality public transport (which Audlem does not have) and that areas of poorer agricultural land should be used in preference to high quality land such as that at Little Heath.

Village Design Statement

David Siddorns spoke pointing out that Audlem's Village Design Statement (VDS) supported infill development wherever possible and not large-scale housing as proposed by Gladman. The development would fill much of the gap between Audlem and Hankelow. Gladman had said the plan would urbanise that end of the village which was not wanted and that Prime Minister David Cameron had said he did not want housing estates "plonked" rural villages.

The Gladman plan was unsustainable, inappropriate, not in accord with the VDS and would cause irreparable harm to the village.

Audlem Medical Practice

Heather Jones spoke as the doctors could not be there. Audlem Medical Practice has 4,500 patients served by 2.3 full-time equivalent doctors, an average of 1,950 per doctor compared with a national average of 1,600.

The current premises cannot cope and nearby practices will not accept Audlem patients. If the practice closed its lists because of the Gladman application, it would have no discretion to take in new patients. It was unlikely funding for expansion would be found.

This brought an enquiry as to whether medical facilities counted as 'infrastructure'. It was decided this was the case and councillors asked to add the lack of medical facilities to the reasons for refusal, making seven in all. Providing medical facilities should also be added to any Section 106 agreement.

The Decision

The Strategic Planning Board, after further debate, voted unanimously to refuse the Gladman application. Further details of the six other grounds for refusal are on pages 51 to 53 of the council's briefing document.

The documents

The various documents that form part of the submission to the Cheshire East planners are being made available on the Parish Council part of the website as they become available. They can be found here

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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