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Cheshire East SAPD Consultation

23rd October 2020 @ 6:06am – by Rachel Bailey
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Cheshire East Local Plan (draft SADPD) Consultation

This is to ensure that members of our community are aware that the Cheshire East Council process has now agreed to consult on what is a third version of the Draft Sites Allocation Development Plan Document (SADPD); the consultation is due to commence on Monday 26 October.
This latest proposal now suggests removal of Local Service Centre allocations, which includes a site in our Village of Audlem.
Whilst housing development is not necessarily welcome, I share below what I consider are unanswered questions from the latest journey to formal consultation.

  • Does our village have sufficient homes to sustain our primary school, local services and retail offer?
  • Is the Cheshire East Housing Land Supply 'sufficiently robust' to avoid a return of unplanned development and associated risk of the little or no associated support for local services or infrastructure?
  • That removal of sites in the Cheshire East Local Plan will not, 'be in conflict with our Audlem Neighbourhood Plan'?

Details will be available on the Cheshire East website from Monday but if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me directly via or mobile 07825 436587.

Thank you to everyone for your continued voluntary work in supporting one another as we continue to adjust to the demands of this pandemic.
I hope you are keeping well and stay safe.

Rachel Bailey
Audlem Ward Cheshire East Councillor
22 October 2020

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