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Cheshire East Rangers walk in Audlem

26th May 2009 @ 11:11am – by Celia Bloor
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There is a brochure in the village (Williams' at least) called 'Open Air – your guide to Ranger events in the parks and countryside of Cheshire East'.

On Friday August 21st, there is a 15km (9 mile) all-day walk starting and finishing in Audlem. They are using footpaths to go to Hankelow then south along the canal to Hawksmoor and back along the footpath which passes close to Highfields. Local escorts will join in for the Hankelow and 'Highfields back to village' stretches.

Booking is essential on 01270 764773. The leader, Julie Molyneux, contacted the History Society to obtain information about the historic properties they would be passing.

Let's hope they get support so this sort of thing will be repeated. It is the only activity to visit this area.

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