This information was contained in a recent Cheshire East press release.
Latest figures show continued strength of Cheshire East economy – a drop in the number of people claiming unemployment benefit and a rise in average earnings showed the local economy is on the up and up.
The proportion of working-age people (16-64) claiming unemployment benefit has fallen from 1.9 per cent in December 2013 to just 1.1 per cent last month. This compares with latest figures of 1.4 per cent in Cheshire West, 2.3 per cent in the North West and 1.8 per cent for Great Britain.
Latest figures also show that the proportion of economically inactive people has fallen from 24.6 per cent in 2014 to 20.3 per cent in the year to September 2016. This is better than both the average for the North West (24.4 per cent) and Great Britain (22.2 per cent).
The proportion of Cheshire East's 18-24 year olds making unemployment benefit claims is now 1.9 per cent. This figure has more than halved since December 2013, when it stood at 4.1 per cent.
Meanwhile, the gross average weekly earnings of full-time workers living in Cheshire East has increased from £507.10 in 2008 to £541.60 in 2016.
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