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Charles retires today

14th April 2012 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Charles, Audlem's butcher, is retiring today. We are sure all will wish him well.

Audlem Online published this story earlier this week, so, in case you missed it:

Charles has been running the butchers for twenty four years. As a result, a distinguished panel of experts has been hard at work over the Bank Holiday weekend working out a vital statistic.

Charles says he uses 50lb of meat a week to make 60lb of sausages (the British banger contains some rusk, hence the difference). Careful calculations, involving the purchase of a string of sausages to check the measurements, have shown this amounts to 63.9 miles of sausages over his twenty four years in Audlem.

This, the experts have worked out, is the equivalent of 257 laps of the London (and indeed, any other) Olympic running track – on the inside lane, of course!

Audlem Online prefers an alternative measurement. Charles is an economist by training. We think, if you laid all those sausages in a line, like his fellow ecomomists, they still wouldn't reach a conclusion.

We are sure there may be some flaws in these calculations which, naturally, were worked out over a holiday drink or three. If so, do let us know.

No definite news, as yet, about the future of the shop which has been sold. As soon as we know more, it will be on Audlem Online.

We wish Charles a very happy retirement.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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