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Charity Shop AGM

20th May 2023 @ 6:06am – by Pat Green Secretary Audlem Charity Shop
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Charity Shop AGM

On Thursday 11th May the annual AGM of Audlem Charity Shop was held at the Audlem Public Hall.

It was very well attended by volunteers past and present.

Helen Beardshall, the charity shop Chair opened the meeting with praise for all volunteers for their hard work, generosity and time so freely and willingly given.

Helen commented that the charity shop had had a splendid year with only 3 closures due to bad weather.

Due to illness, Ralph Warburton, Treasurer, was unable to attend and sent his apologies.

The financial report was given on behalf of Ralph by Carol Harker who has been assisting Ralph with his treasurer duties.

The financial report shows that the shop has had a record year, so much so that a total of £44,500 can be donated to our well deserved chosen charities.

This was distributed as follows:

£3,500 to ADCA Audlem & District Community Action.
£2,500 to Wingate Childrens Special Trust
£2,500 to The Wheely Boat / Bus
£1000 to Wybunbury Anglers Association
£35,000 to St Lukes Hospice.
All these charities benefit so many in our local community.

Additionally in the Spring of 2022, the committee decided to support the Ukraine Disaster Appeal by holding a one day sale of goods. This was advertised to ensure everyone was aware and a splendid amount of £1262 was raised.

Thanks were again expressed to all volunteers and also for the generosity of all who donate their items so that The Charity Shop can carry on going from strength to strength.

Helen thanked everyone for coming and the meeting closed at 2.55pm

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