Four volunteers have come forward to establish the Audlem Community First Responders scheme and completed their training. Two more are to be trained in September. They will respond to the calls from the people of Audlem, in neighbouring villages and communities locally.
The North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) is also looking for new volunteers to join the team in Audlem who can attend emergency calls and administer life-saving support to patients awaiting the arrival of an ambulance.
Volunteers must be aged between 18 and 70, have a UK driving licence and the use of a vehicle. They will need to complete the 12-week training course, delivered in weekly evening sessions. Recruitment and selection follows NWAS procedures and health checks, criminal records bureau checks and driving licence checks are carried out.
Community responder manager Robert Hussey says: "We want to expand our team of people in the local area. If you are interested in becoming a Community First Responder, or require more information, please contact me on 0151 296 1931 or 07768 032737."
In the meantime, Audlem Councillor Mike Hill, who has been heavily involved in setting up the local scheme, has written to the first group of volunteers who have completed the training programme and congratulated them on passing their exams. Mike is now seeking sponsorship from a range of businesses to help fund costs related to the local scheme's official motor vehicle. These costs range from insurance, road fund licence, MOT and maintenance. The vehicle will be for the sole use of the Community Responders in their role in the local community.
Contact Mike Hill on 01270 811843 or Audlem Online will forward any details you send to the webteam on to Mike.
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