John Kemble writes: "It's the Buerton Village Meeting 2009 on Tuesday May 5th, 7.15pm at Hankelow Church Meeting Room.
The Agenda is:
1. Outline of Parish Council projects/endeavours:-
War Memorial relocation
Bearstone Wind Farm
Village Web site
Provision of Polling Booths
School Playing Field
2. Statement of financial position of Parish Council.
3. Discussion of way forward on projects with particular reference to the future development and use of the School field.
4. Discussion of any other business raised by electors.
This meeting takes place under the Local Government Act of 1972 and will precede the Parish Council Meeting. Unless otherwise decided by the attendees, the meeting will be chaired by a member of Buerton Parish Council. All Buerton Parish electors are entitled to attend and vote. Note that any topics raised or concerns expressed will be taken into account by the Parish Council and actioned as appropriate.
Any elector wishing to discuss or add to the agenda prior to the meeting, please contact the clerk on 01270 811887."
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