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Buerton PC – Thursday's Agenda

29th November 2021 @ 3:03pm – by Webteam
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Editors note:- Our holidaying technocrat has now remotely placed the Agenda in the website as normal!

Buerton PC – Thursday's Agenda

This will be uploaded to the normal site as soon as our colleague returns from holiday! But to expedite, it is as follows:-


Buerton Parish Council
Clerk : Amanda Serif
6 St James Close
07922 169 365

Agenda for the Meeting of Buerton Parish Council to be held at HankelowChurch Hall at 1915hrs on Thursday, 2 December 2021

1 Apologies for absence

1.1 None received.

2 Minutes
2.1 To resolve that the minutes of the Council meeting of 21 October 2021
be signed as correct records.

3 Disclosure of interests

3.1 To receive disclosures of personal and prejudicial interests frommembers on matters to be considered at the meeting. The disclosuremust include the nature of the interest. If an interest becomes apparentto a member during the course of the meeting that has not beendisclosed under this item, the member must immediately disclose it.

4 Public Forum.

4.1 Any elector within the Parish may put a question to, or raise an issuewith the Council on any matter within the responsibility of the Council.Any conclusions reached from points raised during the Public Forummust be made agenda items for ratification at the next meeting.

5 Business matters

5.1 United Utilities Improvements to Waste Water Treatment Plant
5.1.1 To discuss the progress of the planning application andClerk to update on her conversation with David Schofield,the project manager, for the record.

5.2 Playground

5.2.1 Cllr Mansell to update on quotations for the goal posts.
5.2.2 To discuss the appointment of a playground caretaker.

5.3 Christmas display in the Playground

5.3.1 Cllr Mansell to report on his discussions with a local electricianregarding the possibility of lighting the fence line and theexisting trees in the playground and Clerk to update on herdiscussions with Gilks Nantwich.

5.4 Co-opting of New Councillors and the formation of a villageSub-Committee

5.4.1 To discuss the co-opting of new Parish Councillors.

5.4.2 To discuss the formation of a village Sub-Committee in orderto expedite village projects such as playground cleaning, litterpicking, Christmas lighting etc.

5.5 Brook Cottage

5.5.1 Cllr Lancaster to update on the response of Cheshire Eastregarding the reinstatement of the public footpath.

6 Financial matters

6.1 Expenditure

6.1.1 The following payments have been approved by Cllrs Lancaster,Shaw and Baddley and are listed here for the record:

Royal British Legion Poppy Wreath £ 25.00

Clerk Salary Oct 2021 £ 261.76

6.1.2 The following payments are listed here for approval:

Clerk Salary November 2021 £ 231.36
Clerk Expenses Oct / Nov 2021 £ 61.70

6.1.3 To discuss the precept for the financial year 2022/2023.

Planning and Development
Planning Applications to be Considered
None for consideration

Any other business
Any conclusions reached during this item must be made agenda itemsfor ratification at the next meeting.

Councillors reports of meetings attended

None attended.

Dates for future meetings

The following meetings to be held at Hankelow Church Hall. Thesedays may be subject to change in accordance with Government
guidelines on COVID restrictions in place at the time of the meeting.

All meetings to commence at 7.15pm

Thursday, 3 February 2022
Thursday, 7 April 2022
Thursday, 2 June 2022
Thursday, 4 August 2022
Thursday, 6 October 2022
Thursday, 1 December 2022

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