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Broomhall to Burma – an amazing read

5th October 2009 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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From Broomhall to Burma

Audlem Online has been sent a copy of Wilf Chesters' War Book. It's a remarkable document and a testimony to a young man's determination to survive the most horrendous experiences, particularly slaving on the Burma-Siam railway where so many thousands of his fellow prisoners died.

Wilf Chesters was born at Broomhall, three miles to the west of Audlem.
During the Second World War he served his country in the Royal Northumberland Fusiliers.

He was evacuated at Dunkirk, experienced the fall of Singapore, was a POW in Japanese war camps, experienced the horrors and hardship of working on the Burma-Siam railway, was shipwrecked, laboured in Japan and was eventually repatriated after the Japanese surrender.

Wilf sadly died in January 2009 but towards the end of his life, previously not wishing to talk about the war, expressed a wish that his wartime diary should now be published.

With the help of his daughter Margaret, local military historian Mark Potts and local historian Peter Bebbington, a small book on his life and war career has been produced.

His full diary, supplemented by further information, together with photographs, a foreword written by his daughter and his funeral eulogy are all included in the publication.

Priced at £5, all proceeds from the sale of the book will go to the Wrenbury & District Branch of the Royal British Legion.

For enquiries – contact Peter Bebbington on 01270 780890

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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