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Britain in Bloom judging yesterday

3rd July 2007 @ 2:02pm – by Audlem Webteam
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Ralph Warburton writes to report on yesterday's judging of the village: "On Monday I met with the Judges of Britain in Bloom as they came to see the village and to judge the work we in ADAS and Audlem In Bloom do here for the benefit of all – both residents of the district and the visitors."

"I took them on a walking tour, encompassing the cemetery where ADAS created the side shrubbery in past times and the new bed behind the chapels. Then via the Scout Hall telling them of all the work undertaken there by Chris & Rodney Cotterill. Then on to the Conservation Field which lies behind the Butchers, a place left as a wild meadow. I explained the history of this area and how it came about- indeed it used to be the place where beasts were held before being slaughterd for the butchers shop. Long ago of course! And before fridges."

"Then into the village. They loved the Village Green down by the Grammar School Nursing home. I explained some of the Village Plan to them. On through the shops and all the flags and the flowers in the beds and the tubs, explaining all the funds we generate through the generosity of residents and businesses. We went along the canal to see the trees we planted there as well as the daffodils – sleeping now of course. They were very impressed with the cleanliness of the village. Not one scrap of litter did I spot so Gavin Davies, our lengthsman, had done a very good job after I had alerted him."

"They left us very pleased with the lovely spirit in the place. It was amazing just how many folks gave us a greeting as we walked along. But I say again. ADAS, AIB – and myself – do all we do for the benefit of those who live in Audlem and the surrounding district and not just for Britain In Bloom. Lots of photos were taken as we walked and we will hear from them later in the year as to their comments and observations."

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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