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Boaters Saturday Night Evening

1st August 2019 @ 6:06am – by Peter and Christine Silvester
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Every year, all the crews from the historic boats that attend the Gathering at Audlem are invited to a social evening on the Saturday evening.

Last weekend was no exception, but of course there had been heavy rain all Saturday, and it was clear that our normal venue, the Lock Cottage garden (courtesy of Dot and Bob Shepherd) would be badly damaged by more than 70 people traipsing about in it.

We didn't actually have a Plan B, but one of the boaters noticed that there was a marquee on the Turnpike Field. After some enquiries, we discovered that it was there for the Audlem Ramblers Society picnic on the Saturday afternoon.

A phone call or three later, and we had their agreement to hold our event there, using the marquee. Our people arrived at 7.00, just as the Ramblers were leaving -- superb timing.

The rain had just stopped, and in fact didn't start again until about 9.30, as our event came to a close. But the marquee saved the day, and we all had a great time.

We would sincerely like to thank ARS for letting us follow them, and for saving our event!

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